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Illumina DRAGEN is a Bio-IT Platform that provides ultra-rapid secondary analysis of sequencing data using field-programmable gate array technology (FPGA).

DRAGEN has a number of different pipelines and outputs, including base calling, DNA and RNA alignment, post-alignment processing and variant calling, covering virtually all stages of typical NGS data processing. For each stage, it generates QC files with metrics resembling those of samtools-stats, mosdepth, bcftools-stats and alike. This MultiQC module supports some of the output but not all.

  • <output prefix>.wgs_fine_hist_<tumor|normal>.csv
    • Coverage distribution and cumulative coverage plots
  • <output prefix>.mapping_metrics.csv
    • General stats table, a dedicated table, and a few barplots
  • <output prefix>.wgs_coverage_metrics_<tumor|normal>.csv
    • General stats table and a dedicated table
  • <output prefix>.qc-coverage-region-<1|2|3>_coverage_metrics.csv
    • General stats table and a dedicated table
  • <output prefix>.wgs_contig_mean_cov_<tumor|normal>.csv
    • A histogram like in mosdepth, with each chrom as a category on X axis, plus a category for autosomal chromosomes average
  • <output prefix>.fragment_length_hist.csv
    • A histogram plot
  • <output prefix>.ploidy_estimation_metrics.csv
    • Add just Ploidy estimation into the general stats table
  • <output prefix>.vc_metrics.csv
    • A dedicated table and the total number of Variants into the general stats table
  • <output prefix>.gc_metrics.csv
    • A histogram and summary statistics table on GC content metrics
  • <output prefix>.trimmer_metrics.csv
    • A summary table of tirmmer metrics
  • <output prefix>.time_metrics.metrics
    • A bar graph of the total run time and a breakdown of the run time of each individual step
  • <output prefix>.quant.metrics.csv
    • A bar graph of RNA fragments
  • <output prefix>.quant.transcript_coverage.txt
    • A line plot of average coverage along RNA transcripts
  • <output prefix>.scRNA.metrics.csv or <output prefix>.scRNA_metrics.csv
    • Summary table for single-cell RNA metrics
  • <output prefix>.scATAC.metrics.csv or <output prefix>.scATAC_metrics.csv
    • Summary table for single-cell ATAC metrics

Each QC output adds a section into the report if a corresponding QC file is found.