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Version: 23.3

Core Concepts

These are key terms and concepts that underpin Seqera Platform.


An organization is the top-level entity where businesses, institutions, and groups can collaborate. It can contain multiple workspaces.


A team is a group of members in the same organization. Teams can operate in one or more organization workspaces, with a specific role in each workspace.


A member is a user who is internal to the organization. Members have an organization role and can operate in one or more organization workspaces. In each workspace, members can have a participant role that defines the permissions granted to them within that workspace.


A workspace provides the context in which a user operates, including what resources are available and who can access them. It's composed of pipelines, compute environments, credentials, runs, actions, and datasets. Access permissions are controlled through participants, collaborators, and teams.


A user operating with an assigned role within a workspace.


Collaborators are users who are invited to an organization's workspace, but are not members of that organization.

Participant role

The participant role defines the permissions granted to a user to perform actions or tasks within a workspace.


A pipeline is a pre-configured workflow that can be used by all users in a workspace. It's composed of a workflow repository, launch parameters, and a compute environment.


The Launchpad contains the collection of available pipelines that can be run in a workspace. From here, you can view and select pre-configured pipelines for launch.


A run is a workflow execution. The Runs view is used to monitor and inspect the details of workflow executions in a workspace.

Compute environment

A compute environment is the platform where workflows are executed. It is composed of access credentials, configuration settings, and storage options for the environment.


Credentials are access keys stored by Seqera in an encrypted format, using AES-256 encryption. They allow the safe storage of authentication keys for compute environments, private code repositories, and external services.


Datasets are collections of versioned, structured data, usually in TSV (tab-separated values) and CSV (comma-separated values) formats. They are used to manage sample sheets and metadata, to be validated and used as inputs for workflow executions.


Actions are used to automate the execution of pre-configured pipelines, based on event triggers such as code commits and webhooks.


Secrets are keys used by workflow tasks to interact with external systems, such as a password to connect to an external database or an API token. They're stored using AES-256 encryption.

There are two types of secrets:

  • Workspace secrets are defined in a workspace. They're available to the workflows launched within that workspace.
  • User secrets are defined by a user. They're available to the workflows launched by that user in any workspace.